The More You Talk, The More You Walk

Welcome to My Blog

The blog was opened so late because of my busy work in profession these days. There was no much time to set the site more in security so I needed to test the site over and over for the smooth environment. I admit this is not the best setting so far, and fine tuning is still ongoing. Hopefully it could not be affected at the whole site in serving.

Well, this simple blog will serve you 24×7 in circumstance. It contains the posts regarding my living style, at least to know what kind of person I am. I’ll let you know my road of life in the future, sharing my gains, my problems and my thoughts. If you want to recognise me more, please proceed to my page About Me, where I introduce myself further. Finally, please enjoy the site!

My alternative weblog

The More You Live, The More You Love

© 2013 KK | Powered by LeoWorks