The More You Live, The More You Love

welcome to KKWorld

About Me

Hi, my name is KK, nicknamed Leo.

Who am I? Well, I’m just a pretty stupid guy with nothing special...

I love enjoying working with Music and I love sitting in various comfortable environments such as apartment cafe, Starbucks, etc to think the jobs in different aspects. I am interested in computing technology and I always handle my works with my Mac machines (iMac, MacBook, iPad...). Of course, I am a big Apple fan... lol. Anyway, I love to play around with technology.

As for outdoor style, I love sports of all kinds (playing and watching games). Because of my love in nature, I often go for hiking in feeling the beauty of our wild. There are many creatures really lovely upon feeling their living styles.

Well, this is a man what I am... just enjoy the life in straight simple style.

Finally, I hope you enjoying the site!
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I will post to share my joy, sadness, problems and everything I would be encountered, just for telling the mind on my living.
Just want to share the pictures in my feeling on the stuffs. Trying to catch the excellent moment in the past.
Videography is a wonderful work to make a fantastic feeling on our life. Go to the page to feel the beauty of our world.
Sitemap ... not yet open
Here to provide some useful links for the essential apps, softwares, tools. But no cracking files will be provided.
List out my internal and external hyperlinks. Of course, there are also some links I recommended.

The More You Live, The More You Love

© 2013 KK | Powered by LeoWorks